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Testimonial Tuesday Episode 09: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
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In this episode, Dr. Hall tells the story of a young man who suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome, and how he was helped through the power of upper cervical.
Briefly described also is the story of the young man’s friend who had referred him in, and how she had suffered from Fibromyalgia, and was helped with upper cervical as well.
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Thanks.I, myself can attest to Up C as a heart condition stopped just before it could have been a nightmare. I can not stop talking and be amazed every time. Dr. Shawn Dill has saved me from catastrophic health concerns. I hope to see one day that everyone sees and trust an Up C Chiropractor before another medical practitioner in any medical condition. I do believe in the principle and the Innate taking its course in one’s life. Thank you very much to all of you, specially my Dr. Shawn Dill and Dr. B. J. Palmer.