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Upper Cervical Interviews: Dr. Thomas Lamar of SpinalColumnRadio.com
Dr. Thomas Lamar is a podcasting chiropractor from Washington state.
He is the founder, and producer of the chiropractic podcast SpinalColumnRadio.com.
With his audio-engineer 11 year old son Logan by his side, Dr. Lamar travels all over the country broadcasting his podcast live from various straight chiropractic conventions like Cal Jam on the west coast and New Beginnings on the east coast.
He has had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Reggie Gold, Dr. Guy Reikman, Dr. Patrick Gentempo and many others.
In this interview we discuss how we met, and how important podcasting is to our future as chiropractors and podcasters.
Be sure to check out his great program at SpinalColumnRadio.com.
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You ARE “Awesome Paul from Kenesaw!” Thanks so much for this joint project. It was a lot fun! – tom
Awesome interview guys