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Here is an interview I did with upper cervical doctor, Dr. Gary Golembiewski of NJ.
Dr. Golembiewski is a second generation chiropractor, whose father had the privilege of working in the BJ Palmer Private clinic.
He was telling me one day about a presentation he put together about the history of the Palmer clinic, and how he ended the presentation by playing a recording of BJ Palmer giving a health talk at his clinic.
I asked if I could interview him, focusing on BJ and the clinic, and the health talk, and he agreed.
This is an excellent overview of the history of BJ and the clinic, including clips of the health talk.
It really demonstrates BJ’s devotion to upper cervical chiropractic.
This interview is very different from every other one I’ve conducted, and I’d really appreciate your feedback.
Here is the slide presentation referenced in the interview.
Great interview and slide show. Loved it.
I wish more chiropractors would see it. Especially the part about averaging 28 days between adjustments.
Excellent presentation Gary!! We all send our best.
Great episode Dr. Hambrick!!!
I just think Chiropractic History is sooo cool. I loved hearing BJ’s voice, and you did a great job weaving it throughout the interview. He certainly was a character! What a great opportunity to interview Dr. Golembiewski and have him talk about his dad and how he worked with BJ. Certainly as our profession ages, if we don’t do things like you have just done, it will be all too easy for us to lose touch with our roots. This is one of the great things about the Podcast. This content can be accessed again and again for decades to come.
The slide show was a nice touch! I must admit, I cruised through the slides before he started talking about them… but once he started explaining each one, I followed along… and each picture had so much MORE meaning and was very RICH.
I loved the “Chiropractic Ambulance.” The bone collection was very cool too. [Now I don’t feel so weird for having animal vertebrae all over my office. 😉 ] The purchasing of the death-row convict’s head following the beheading so he could display the wet-specimen occiput arrangement was unreal. And the lie detector set up to make sure his patients were not taking medication while under his care was very “BJ.” …. And then finally the statement that BJ made regarding how he could have changed the course of history if he’d been able to adjust Hitler’s atlas was, well again,… very “BJ.”
Yes, Chiropractic History is truly fascinating!
Not to be self-serving, but if your listeners would like to hear more BJ Palmer History, I’ve produced seven episodes on my SpinalColumnRadio podcast that talk about the History of Radio and how BJ Palmer was right there at the start of it all. He was a Radio Pioneer. He owned and operated the first radio station west of the Mississippi and second in the nation. It had over 1 million listeners a day and had a full array of popular programming. But, in true BJ fashion, it also boasted regularly scheduled “Chiropractic Educational Programming.” Launching February 18, 1922, Radio Station WOC was perched high atop the Palmer School of Chiropractic and had everybody talking (and listening)!
Find out more by visiting http://SpinalColumnRadio.com and typing “WOC” in the search engine.
Keep up the good work Doc!
Dr. Thomas Lamar
Thank you so much Dr. Lamar, that means a lot coming from a fellow chiropractic podcaster whose quality of programming is top notch.
Dr. Tom Forest sends out a weekly email to over 350 upper cervical doctors every week, and he mentioned your “BJ Is On The Air Episodes.”
Keep up the good programming and thanks again for the encouragement.
My husband, Dr. A. G. Crivelli is a graduate of Palmer College, 1963. He is retired and I have a Derm-A-Thermagraph and I am not sure what to do with it. I was hoping you could point me in the direction of someone who might be interested in this machine. It is pretty old as Al was in practice for many years. I appreciate hearing from you by email. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I also have an oil painting of BJ done by A J Day. It is framed in a gold frame.
I have interested parties but they want me to give them a price and I have no idea.